I Find Myself Retyping Words

How to Double Your Typing Speed Header Image

How fast you can you type?

When I was around viii years former, my family bought a calculator and some typing software that non but taught you how to type like a professional, including the correct placement of your easily and tips for increased productivity, information technology also included a piddling speed typing test that would calculate exactly how many words per minute (WPM) you type.

It was pretty advanced engineering back in the 1990's.

In fact, the engineering science for educational activity typing skills hasn't improved much since back and so, although you can at present accept a elementary typing speed test online.

Become ahead, endeavour information technology below with this nifty typing speed test below and observe out how fast you tin can type.

This quick exam will provide your baseline typing speed, so we tin can runway your improvement as you lot implement the tips in this article for typing faster.

Continue reading after your examination considering I'm going to show you lot how to double or even triple your writing speed.

You can retake the test again once you've completed this article to see how y'all do!

Take Your Free Speed Typing Exam Here





Mistyped Words




Words Per Infinitesimal


Time to Completion

(not washed)

Words are counted once you take moved on to the next word. Errors are counted character by graphic symbol within words. Puncuation is counted as part of the word that precedes it. Mistyped words are counted when you movement on to the adjacent give-and-take. Accurateness is counted character by grapheme. Words per minute is updated each time you type, based on words completed and moved on from since yous get-go started typing. If you stop in the middle of typing for a while, y'all will demand to start a new test to get an accurate discussion per infinitesimal count. Time to completion is calculated just once, only after y'all have typed the number of words given in that particular typing test.

Discussion Per Minute (WPM) Test

Then, what was your words per minute test score?

30 wpm?

50 wpm?

70 wpm?

90 or more than?

Average Typing Speed

If yous blazon at an average speed, yous should be able to hit around 41 words per minute (WPM).

Even though 41 wpm is just an average typing speed, it's more than than plenty to help you authorize for nigh jobs that require you to write or type on a keyboard, such as being a secretary, auditor, or typist.

However, if you want to excel at your job and get much improve results, you lot should larn how to type faster and amend your typing speed and so you lot can go more work done in less fourth dimension. If you only invest in one chore skill this year, invest in training yourself how to type faster because this one elementary skill will pay big dividends for the rest of your life and could help y'all get a enhance.

typing speed chart infographic

Typing Speed Chart

Here's a quick chart of typing speeds so you can see where you stand up:

10 wpm: At this speed, your typing speed is style below average, and you should focus on proper typing technique (explained below).

20 wpm: Same as to a higher place.

thirty wpm: Same every bit above.

40 wpm: At 41 wpm, you are now an average typist. You lot still accept significant room for improvement.

fifty wpm: Congratulations! You're in a higher place average.

60 wpm: This is the speed required for most high-end typing jobs. You can now exist a professional typist!

seventy wpm: You are mode higher up boilerplate! You would qualify for any typing job assuming your typing accuracy is high enough.

80 wpm: You're a take hold of! Any employer looking for a typist would dear to have you.

90 wpm: At this typing speed, you're probably a gamer, coder, or genius. Either style, you lot're doing bully!

100 wpm or more: Y'all are in the top 1% of typists! Congratulations!

How to Increment Your Typing Speed to 100 WPM or More

I've been able to consistently type at more than than 100 wpm for several years now, and I want to share with you how you can quickly amend your typing speed.

You lot can see the results of i of my recent writing speed tests here:

120 words per minute!

How is that possible?

The average typing speed is 41.4 words per minute, and the globe tape is 212 words per minute in English, past typist Barbara Blackburn.

So how exercise I consistently type 2 to 3 times faster than the boilerplate, and most half every bit fast as the world'south fastest typist?

Information technology's all about technique.

Today, I'm going to share my secrets for typing faster, so y'all can write more, write faster, and get a more productive author, author, blogger and typist.

How to Type Faster

This video shows you an example of me scoring over 100 wpm on a typing speed test.

You lot can train yourself to type faster quickly and easily by following these steps over the next 30 days.

Step ane. Proper Typing Technique is Key

Proper typing technique is crucial, and yet nigh of us are never taught what proper typing technique is, let alone that such a matter exists!

Hunt and peck certainly works when it comes to getting the job done, but if you want to double or triple your typing speed and achieve above-average typing speeds consistently, you're going to have to use a much amend technique.

Notation: Accuracy is crucial! Just because you can hit the keyboard quickly does not hateful yous're typing effectively. Typos, missed letters, and mistakes can exist costly. Sure, we all make mistakes. But, by using proper typing techniques, you lot can dramatically improve or at to the lowest degree maintain your high typing accuracy while improving your speed, thus improving your overall typing efficiency and effectiveness.

In other words, learning to type faster while condign less accurate is counterproductive.

You need both to become a better overall typist and author with a lovely blend of speed and accuracy.

Finger Placement for Proper Typing Technique

With proper typing technique, yous should be typing with all x fingers.

That'south correct! Even your footling pinky fingers should be working hard for y'all to improve your overall typing speed and accuracy.

Take a moment to review the image beneath.


( Image Source: Keybr)

Discover how the keyboard is colour-coded. Nosotros'll talk near that in a second.

The beginning thing you should understand about your keyboard is that there is a little crash-land on the "f" and "j" keys.

Take yous e'er wondered what those niggling bumps on the f and j keys are for?

They're there to serve as a mental map, kind of similar braille, to let you know where your fingers are at all times on the keyboard without having to wait downward and notice the correct fundamental.

If that sounds difficult, don't worry! It's actually a lot easier than you lot think.

The f and j keys are where your left and correct index fingers should exist hovering respectively when you're typing.

Starting from the left side of the keyboard in the blue zone, yous should be using your left pinky finger to hit the `, one, q, a and z keys.

Your left hand band finger should be used for 2, w, s and x in the light-green zone.

Your left mitt middle finger should be used for 3, due east, d and c in the purple zone.

Your left mitt index finger should be used for 4, 5, r, t, f, g, v and b in the yellow zone.

Your right hand alphabetize finger should be used for 6, vii, y, u, h, j, n and m in the 2nd green zone.

Your right paw middle finger should be used for 8, i, g, and , in the second purple zone.

Your correct mitt ring finger should be used for 9, o, l, and . in the yellow zone.

Your right paw pinky finger should be used for 0, -, =, p, [, ], , ;, ', and / in the final blueish zone on the right.

Why Typing Technique Matters

The goal of this proper hand placement is that you don't have to motion your hands nigh every bit much when you lot type, improving your efficiency and therefore speed.

The less distance your fingers accept to travel, the faster you will be able to blazon.

For those of you lot used to chase and peck typing, likewise called two-fingered typing, some other huge benefit is that you lot'll be using all your fingers similar a typing pro.

By using all 10 fingers when you type, your speed volition be dramatically improved for several reasons.

First, less travel distance between fingers and keys means faster typing.

Second, with proper technique, your hands volition always be about the heart of the keyboard. This regularity of location will allow your heed to quickly grade an "internal keyboard map."

In other words, y'all'll be able to quickly unconsciously memorize the positions of all the keys on the keyboard, so that you can blazon while looking at the screen instead of constantly staring at the keyboard wondering "Where the heck is that pesky semicolon key at?"

Hint: It'due south directly under your right pinky finger when in proper position.

Pace 2. Learning to Bear on Blazon

Now that you've learned proper typing positions for your hands and fingers, it'due south time to learn how to touch type.

I wish I could give you lot some sage words of advice here, or send yous a magic pill that allows yous to instantly know where all the keys on the keyboard are without conscious idea or effort, but I can't. (If you do invent such a magic pill, I'd love to help you market it!)

It comes down to do. The old saying, "do makes perfect" is merely partially truthful. The truth isperfect do makes progress.

It'south incommunicable to achieve truthful perfection. But, past using proper technique and practicing regularly, you can see huge improvements in a relatively short period of time.

When you commencement commencement out, if yous're not a proficient typist, you will have to figure out where the keys are. Y'all'll have to apply your eyes, wait around, and take a few moments to find the right key.

The of import thing is that y'all ever practice using proper technique with your hands in the proper typing position.

If you lot consistently practice proper typing technique, I promise you will see great results over time.

At first, it may be difficult and experience strange, but over fourth dimension your new typing habits will start to show very promising results.

Retrain Your Bad Typing Habits

How many times did Tiger Wood reinvent his golf swing? And why did he spend so much effort, time, coin and energy on changing his swing? For i unproblematic reason: the cost of bad habits are simply as well swell to endure for those who think ahead and program for the time to come.

Typing at a mere twenty or xxx wpm may not seem like a large deal for you right at present. Sure, you're below average, but who cares? Information technology's not a contest, right? Of course, information technology's non a contest. Merely what's it going to cost you in terms of your time, energy and attempt?

If you lot're an author and you program to write a 100,000 word novel and you lot currently type at 30 wpm, learning how to type at 60 wpm (which is totally doable for anyone who invests the time in learning how to use the right technique) will allow yous to write the novel in 55.55 less hours.

Of course, that's assuming you know the exact words you're going to write, and never rewrite anything (which is, of grade, not how writing a book actually works). In other words, 55 hours is only a small-scale fraction of the real time you would save writing your volume. The real number is probably 5 to 10 times more than (because of all the writing, rewriting and editing it takes to finish a book).

We're talking about potentially taking months off the time information technology takes you to write a book. Simply past learning how to type better.

And that's merely how much time you'll salve writing the book. What nearly all those emails, tweets, Facebook posts, and more? Typing faster isn't but a cool play a joke on. Information technology's a bully manner to get more done in less time, and so you tin can spend more time doing what you love (AKA writing! ha.)

More Reasons to Learn How to Type Faster

Typing faster doesn't just permit you to write faster and save time. I believe it can also help you get a muchbetter author for several reasons.

Kickoff, in my feel writing and publishing more than 25 books, I've noticed that virtually of my writing output happens in a few brusque bursts during what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls menstruum(his book called Catamenia is a smashing read and highly recommended.)

If you lot've ever found yourself writing effortlessly, words but flowing on paper or at your computer, you know what I hateful.

I of the astonishing things most writing in a land of menstruum is that time loses all meaning. Sometimes hours will pass before y'all realize how long you've been writing.

Other times, you may expect dorsum at the stop of your writing session and notice you've written thousands of words and don't recall how it all happened.

"The all-time moments usually occur if a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to reach something difficult and worthwhile." ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author ofFlow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

Although I'g a big fan of 5 to fifteen minutedaily writing sessions, when I get in a state of flow, I could write for much longer, even a few hours in 1 sitting. It'due south important to write consistently and arrive the habit of a regular routine, if not a daily writing routine like I recommend. Only here's the affair…

When you are able to type and write faster, information technology'southward much easier to stay in a state of flow, and to get more out of your menses states when writing. It's easier to go into a state of flow because you lot're now a skilled typist. Y'all don't accept to hunt and peck or look around for the keys on the keyboard. You tin can await at the screen and the words you're writing rather than looking effectually the keyboard (this is called touch typing, or typing by feel).

This level of mastery as a typist allows you to focus all your free energy on the words and the message you're sharing, non on the method (typing). The other reason typing faster can help you get much more out of your writing sessions when in catamenia is because our minds motility very fast, much faster than we can speak, read or even blazon.

The average person may only type 41.4 words per minute, but I guarantee you can retrieve a whole lot faster than that.

In other words, the constraint on our writing output is NOT how fast nosotros tin think (at to the lowest degree during a state of flow), but simply how fast we can blazon what nosotros're thinking.

Anyone who's a serious educatee of productivity and/or economic science can tell you that you ever want to work on improving the limiting constraint because it'southward where you'll become the all-time results with the to the lowest degree amount of input.

If you can think 200 words per minute (probably a very low estimate) and only write xl words per infinitesimal, doubling, tripling, or even quadrupling your thinking speed will not help you lot write more or write faster (although it could theoretically help you lot programme, plot and create outlines faster).

If you want to write more than and write faster, just learn how to type faster. Your typing speed is the main limiting constraint on writing output.

Actually, that concluding sentence is not quite true.Your typing speed is the main limiting constraint on writing output when y'all're in a state of menstruation.

So, if you lot want to write faster and produce more, hither's what you have to exercise:

  1. Make it the country of flow more ofttimes and/or for longer periods of time, and
  2.  Increase your typing speed so you lot can take amend reward of your creative output during menstruation and be more productive overall.

Because your writing speed is your master constraint when writing in flow, every tiny picayune improvement in your speed leads directly to more output.

Of course, this assumes that you actually know what you're going to write before you sit downwardly at the reckoner.

That's why I always recommend planning your writing sessions before yous write.

Typing Fast is a System

Despite popular opinion, the ability to type fast is not some unique souvenir or talent bestowed only upon a few of us.

Anyone can learn to improve their speed and accuracy by practicing proper writing technique. It's not complicated. It's certainly not rocket science. But it does accept a little fleck of effort and a conscious decision to alter.

It'southward going to be uncomfortable at first. It will probably feel unnatural. That'southward considering you've been typing for and then long that yous've developed deeply ingrained habits with an junior strategy.

If you lot want amend results, it's every bit easy as upgrading your strategy.

This little principle holds true whether nosotros're talking about typing or any other skill in life.

How to Amend Your Typing Accuracy

Keep in mind when practicing to ameliorate your writing speed that speed comes before accurateness. In other words, when you switch to using the proper typing technique, it volition take fourth dimension for your muscles and brain to accommodate to this new way of typing.

Just like when Tiger Woods switched his golf swing, you as well will need to exist patient as your heed and muscles arrange to your new typing technique. Yous will not see instant improvement in v minutes, but you will see incredible improvements in your typing speed and accuracy if y'all stick with information technology and continue using the proper technique.

Here are some additional tips to help amend your typing accuracy:

  • Don't go upset or overreact when you make a fault. Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. When you get aroused or upset, this changes your brain chemistry and makes it harder for you to learn better writing techniques. It'due south also bad for your health! Stay at-home and relaxed every bit much as possible. If you get upset, take a break and absurd down before resuming your typing practise.
  • Practice where you are weak. If you discover yous proceed hit the 'w' push button instead of 'q', endeavor deliberately practicing hitting the right keys. You can switch back in forth between hitting the two keys equally fast as you tin and train the muscle memory in your fingers to hit in the right spot each time.
  • Gear up your balance point. When you place your easily at the keyboard, stay conscious of their placement and make sure they are always resting in the same spot. This will give you a "balance bespeak" from which to motility your fingers and type almost efficiently. Just similar each basketball actor has a technique for preparing to shoot accurate free throws, you should have a technique and practice in place to blazon accurately.

Time for Your Side by side Test

Okay, information technology's time for your side by side examination! Using the proper typing technique you learned in this post, accept the writing speed examination again at the meridian of this post and encounter what your results are.

So what did you score on the exam this time around? Practice yous find a departure using all 10 fingers when yous blazon?

Share your typing speed exam results in the comments below and meet who tin can score the highest!


Source: https://www.tckpublishing.com/how-to-double-typing-speed/

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