When Will General Flynns Sentence Be Heard Again

President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn arrives at federal court in Washington. D.C., Tuesday. Carolyn Kaster/AP hide explanation

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Carolyn Kaster/AP

President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn arrives at federal court in Washington. D.C., Tuesday.

Carolyn Kaster/AP

Updated at 7:25 p.thousand. ET

A federal judge delayed sentencing former national security adviser Michael Flynn on Tuesday after he pleaded guilty to lying to investigators about his talks with Russian federation's ambassador.

U.Southward. District Judge Emmet Sullivan said he has significant outstanding questions about the case, including how the regime's Russia investigation was impeded and the material impact of Flynn's lies on the special counsel's inquiry.

In an society entered on the court'due south docket after the hearing, Sullivan too imposed travel restrictions on Flynn. First Jan. four, 2019, Flynn must stay inside 50 miles of Washington, D.C., and must seek permission from Sullivan to travel outside that prescribed expanse. Flynn is as well required to surrender his passport past Jan. iv but Sullivan has approved Flynn'south previously planned international travel.

Flynn had spent more than than a year giving what prosecutors called all the cooperation they wanted, including in 62 hours of meetings and the product of "sweeping categories" of documents and electronic devices.

In light of that accommodation, the Justice Department had told the approximate ahead of Tuesday's hearing that it would be all right if Flynn received no prison house time.

Flynn, in his filing, also asked for leniency.

But the judge was less certain near the extent of Flynn's assistance — and the seriousness of the criminal offense.

In a remarkable series of exchanges during the hearing, Sullivan asked whether Flynn and his legal team wanted to button off the punishment, declaring that he was not bound by advisory guidelines that called for a maximum of 6 months in prison.

Ultimately, the judge directed both sides to file a status written report by March 13.

Flynn'southward attorney Robert Kelner said that Flynn may testify in the instance prosecutors are making in the Eastern District of Virginia confronting two of his former business associates. The associates were charged in documents unsealed on Monday with a scheme to human activity as unregistered agents for Turkey.

Flynn has been a model cooperator with the Justice Department, Kelner said, and if he serves as a regime witness in the Turkey lobbying case, that may be "the only area where there's something left to give."

"Gen. Flynn has held nothing back, nothing, in his cooperation with the special counsel's office," Kelner said.

Another surprise twist

Sullivan entered the courtroom with what he said were a number of concerns that called into question the guilty plea "or, at the very to the lowest degree, [Flynn's] acceptance of responsibility."

The judge repeatedly asked Flynn and his lawyers whether they wanted to take a recess to confer about legal issues or the prospect of a delay until his total cooperation with authorities could be assessed.

Sullivan also stressed Flynn'southward service in the war machine and at the White Business firm, where his imitation statements were made.

This was "a high-ranking senior official of the administration making false statements to federal agents while on the premises of the White Firm," the judge said.

"I'm not hiding my disgust, my disdain, for this criminal law-breaking," he added.

At some other point, the judge asked prosecutor Brandon Van Grack whether Flynn's conduct might have amounted to "treason" and also suggested that Flynn may have been interim as a foreign agent during his 24 days in the Trump White House.

Van Grack responded that Flynn's undeclared lobbying work for Turkey concluded before his stint in the White Firm and that "the regime has no reason to believe that the defendant has committed treason."

The approximate afterwards said he was merely asking the questions, non drawing any conclusions.

Flynn, one of 9 children from a shut-knit family, welcomed several of his siblings when he entered the courtroom. His married woman and son sat in the first row, closely observing the proceedings and at times shaking their heads.

The father of one of the prosecutors also secured a seat in the packed courtroom, greeting his son with a handshake during a recess.

The delay in the sentence came as a surprise following the public buildup ahead of the hearing.

In a tweet Tuesday morning prior to the hearing, President Trump had wished Flynn "skillful luck today."

Trump added: "Volition exist interesting to see what he has to say, despite tremendous pressure existence put on him, about Russian collusion in our great and, manifestly, highly successful political campaign. There was no collusion!"

Talks with the Russian ambassador and the aftermath

The root of Flynn's legal troubles stems from conversations he had as role of the Trump administration-in-waiting, a team that had won the 2022 election simply not yet causeless role.

As the outgoing Obama administration sought to punish Russia for its attack on the election, Flynn was negotiating with Moscow'southward then-ambassador to the United States.

Obama ordered the ejection of a number of Russian diplomats and the closure of facilities they used in New York and Maryland.

In concert with the transition squad, Flynn asked then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak not to escalate whatsoever response that Moscow might make to the punitive measures being imposed by Obama.

That may technically take violated a never-enforced law that bars Americans without official power from negotiating with foreign governments or their agents, but it was Flynn and his compatriots' accounts of the talks that caused the virtually pressing political trouble.

First, give-and-take of Flynn'southward conversation made its way into The Washington Post.

Flynn responded by denying that he and Kislyak had talked most the sanctions, including to then-Vice President-elect Pence, who repeated the denial on Television receiver.

Top federal police enforcement officials, nevertheless — who knew what had been said from surveillance of Kislyak — feared that Flynn'south public denials put Russia in the position of having something with which it could compromise Flynn.

The residual of the story has lately been filled in by court filings: Flynn phoned then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe to talk about something else in belatedly January 2017, and McCabe steered the chat to Flynn's contact with the Russians.

"LTG Flynn then explained that he had been trying to 'build relationships' with the Russians, and that he had calls in which he 'exchanged condolences,' " McCabe wrote, co-ordinate to a memo McCabe filed at the time. "He then stated that I probably knew what was said," after which the judgement is redacted.

Two FBI agents visited Flynn at the White Firm, according to court documents.

They said they wanted him to be at ease and did non warn him that it was a crime to lie to the FBI. "They were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport," according to a report near ane of the agents.

Criticism of the Flynn interview

The agents' decision not to remind Flynn that information technology is a offense to lie to the FBI has become the subject of criticism, equally has the sense he was not lying that the investigators reportedly got when talking to him.

That has prompted Trump and others to charge that the Flynn case amounts to entrapment.

The office of Justice Section special counsel Robert Mueller responded Friday by defending Flynn'southward questioning.

Mueller's office submitted documents in which it laid out the series of events and asserted that if anyone knew to tell the truth to the FBI, information technology was Flynn — a career intelligence officer who had previously served every bit the director of the Defence Intelligence Agency.

And Monday night, Mueller'south office filed with the court the FBI reports memorializing Flynn's interview.

White Business firm press secretarial assistant Sarah Sanders stuck by the administration'south criticism of the handling of the interview on Tuesday.

Sanders told reporters that the administration wished Flynn well, simply she repeated that the FBI had "ambushed" Flynn. Sanders as well said the FBI violated its ain protocols in the way it questioned him.

Criticism of the investigators

One of the FBI agents who took part in the interview was Peter Strzok, then a deputy assistant director in the counterintelligence sectionalisation.

He has get a political albatross effectually the neck of the FBI post-obit the discovery of outspoken text messages criticizing Trump as a candidate that he exchanged with another FBI employee.

The revelations embarrassed the bureau, and Strzok was fired in Baronial. Lisa Page, the FBI attorney with whom Strzok exchanged the incendiary text messages, resigned. McCabe is likewise no longer with the FBI, having been fired in March simply short of being eligible to retire, a termination he is fighting in court.

Strzok'south role in the investigation has led to sustained criticism past Trump and his allies that a biased cadre of the conspirators within federal law enforcement are perpetuating the Russian federation investigation out of political animus.

Comey defends the FBI's handling of Flynn

Former FBI Director James Comey was asked Monday about the decisions fabricated at the top level of the bureau at the time of the Flynn interview.

Why, for example, as court documents draw, did Comey not tell and then-acting Chaser General Sally Yates before the Flynn interview that information technology was happening?

Quondam FBI Director James Comey (right), with his attorney, David Kelley, leaves Capitol Hill Mon afterwards a second airtight-door interview with ii Republican-led committees investigating what they say was bias at the Justice Section before the 2022 presidential ballot. Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP hide caption

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Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP

Onetime FBI Director James Comey (right), with his attorney, David Kelley, leaves Capitol Hill Monday after a 2nd closed-door interview with two Republican-led committees investigating what they say was bias at the Justice Department before the 2022 presidential election.

Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP

He meant to, only Yates phoned Comey nearly something else, and information technology was during that conversation that the director told her nearly the Flynn situation.

"When he told her the FBI was interviewing Flynn she was not happy," reads the account released on Friday.

Comey said Monday that he wanted to exist clear the FBI was initiating the Flynn interview because it would deny the White Business firm the ability to fence that people like Yates, who were holdovers from the Obama administration, were pursuing Flynn for partisan reasons.

What Comey said he didn't expect was that Trump and some powerful Republicans in the House would launch a sustained attack on the FBI itself.

"The FBI'southward reputation has taken a large hit considering the president and his acolytes have lied about it constantly," he told reporters at the Capitol. "In the face of those lies, a whole lot of good people ... believe that nonsense. That's a tragedy."

Comey — like McCabe and Strzok — left the FBI involuntarily when he was fired by Trump in May 2017, a move that precipitated the appointment of Mueller as special counsel to accept over the FBI investigation of the Russian attack on the 2022 ballot begun during Comey'due south tenure.


Source: https://www.npr.org/2018/12/18/677558000/federal-judge-delays-michael-flynn-sentencing-in-case-of-lying-to-feds

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